Heather Bernhard, Principal, Auditing and Assurance Group: Get to Know the Snodgrass Team

In this edition of Get to Know the Snodgrass Team we interviewed Heather Bernhard, CPA, Principal in the Auditing and Assurance Group.


You’ve been part of the Snodgrass family since you graduated from college. What do you enjoy most about the work that you do at the firm?

Yes, I’ve been a Snodgrassian for over 20 years and am proud of it! Back when I accepted this job in 2000, I never dreamed that I would ever be able to have a family in public accounting, let alone be a Principal in a public accounting firm. My thought process back then was two years of this (for my CPA) and I’m out. However, little did I know that there could be a firm that would support family (and basically become an extension of my family), support being a mom, and support work/life balance like Snodgrass has proven to do so in my life. In addition, the friendships that I have built with coworkers and even clients (of course while still maintaining independence) have been so rewarding. The experiences, mentorship, life lessons, and fun times that Snodgrass has provided are irreplaceable. Each and every one of these items are priceless in my book! 

You helped establish Snodgrass’s recruiting and orientation programs and continue to be involved in the process today. What do you enjoy about this type of work? 

The answer to this question is really just a piggyback off of question 1. I love sharing my Snodgrass experiences with new people. To me, it’s just as important as a sales call at a prospective client. I am selling the firm to new people with fresh ideas that could enhance and supplement the culture of Snodgrass. I truly believe our employees are our biggest asset. If you have fabulous employees, the clients will be happy, clients will recommend us to other companies, revenue will grow, and the positive cycle continues. So, in conclusion, I believe recruiting is one of THE biggest processes from an importance standpoint in our firm, and I am honored to be a part of it.

You’ve been with Snodgrass during some major life events, like getting married and having two daughters. How have you been able to manage your career, which has a distinct busy season and travel obligations, and your homelife?

It takes a village, and I’m the town juggler. LOL! Quite honestly, it does go back to answer 1 again. Snodgrass has played a huge role in permitting flexibility in my work life to provide for full mom/wife mode in my homelife; however, I still have to hold up my part of the flexibility agreement and figure out a way to get the work done, attend client and firm requirements, and still be an engaged leader in the firm (hence my second job as village juggler). 

What are some of your outside interests?

Well, based on my answers above, outside interests are not really in the timetable right now; however, when I do have free moments, I enjoy reading (real books that I hold in my hand LOL; yes, I know I’m old). I LOVE traveling, grabbing dinner and drinks with my mom friends (aka fellow village jugglers), and going on bourbon and horseracing adventures (or really any adventure) with my husband. 

Snodgrass Team

The Snodgrass team are industry-recognized experts who are highly sought after as speakers and trainers and for their leadership. Stay tuned for our next edition and get to know other members of our team!


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